Devlog 9/16/24

Hello Players!

I've got a possibly bad update but also a good one!

First off, the demo update will be delayed longer than expected.  I plan to make that update resemble the final product a little better.  (Meaning less laggy and more cleaned up).  The reason it was delayed was because implementing a feature which would allow you to change your skin from a seperate screen and the shop being separate broke down the whole code and took till now to fix sort of (As of the time I'm writing this beans have broke and are causing it to go into the negatives or not subtract).  

Second, work on the final game has started yesterday! and I'll be posting updates here and there on my Twitter/X and TikTok.  

But I would like to tell you guys about a new feature you can expect: SKIN POINTS!

-After you buy an upgrade you will unlock a skin point.  If you go to "Shifty's Grand Mall" (Not Final Title) and go to the "Skins" button you can use those skin points to obtain any skin of your choosing! The skins will vary in prices but don't worry with the extra shop item "Buy Skin Points" You can buy many skins points faster for only 10 beans!

-Also depending how things go this demo update will also feature the first "Sleazy Streamer" character: RAVEN SCHNEEZE!


It will upload as a seperate game and this will be renamed to have "Demo" in it.  And of course the final game will feature original art and 2 ANIMATIONS!

Get Shifty Mungus Clicker Demo

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